Tuesday, August 25, 2009

They Say It's Your Birthday!

Today is the day the love of my life was born. Oh, how I am so grateful he was! I would not be the person I am with out him. He is my other half, my best friend, my confident, and my true love. In honor of his 28th birthday (I have liked to remind him he is only 2 years from being 30) I wanted to list 28 things I love about him......

1. He is my best friend
2. He makes me laugh
3. He still loves me even though I am crazy
4. He is REALLY good looking
5. He buys me gorgeous boots on his birthday, I know he is the best!
6. He is caring
7. He goes and gets pedicures with me. Man pedicures of course
8. He is really smart, sometimes I have to tell him "I have no idea what you are talking about"
9. He is a hard worker
10. He is a nerd
11. He loves Star Wars
12. He loves Volkswagons
13. He is a hippie
14. He upholds his priesthood duties
15. He is always helping people
16. He helps me be a better person
17. He treats his mom, my mom, and myself with the upmost respect
18. He can figure anything out just by reading about it
19. He can't wait to be a dad
20. He is such a good friend
21. He loves the gospel
22. He is thoughtful
23. He is apologetic
24. He watches girlie movies with me and doesn't complain
25. He is young at heart
26. He knows how to have a good time
27. He is a good kisser, that's right I said it!
28. He will go shopping with me for hours, and is supportive, caring, and doesn't complain about it

Happy Birthday Lovie!

Monday, August 24, 2009


This handsome man's birthday is tomorrow. Yikes!


p.s. could someone tell me how to make my pictures extra big?

Friday, August 21, 2009


So as all or you know, or all two of you that probably read this blog, have noticed it has been over a month since I have updated our blog. Yikes! Well the time has come for a blogging intervention.......I know interventions usually include other members of your family, suprising you when you get home and say, "we love you so much and just want you to be happy and want you to get your life back to normal, and we think this is the best thing for you right now." Then you storm out of the house running down the street, your purse still clutched in your hand )because there was no time to put your things down when you got home becasue you were bombarded right when you walked in the door), saying, "is this really happening, or am i on Candid Camera?" then you cry, yell, and finally decide to go to rehab, just to please your family.

Alas....none of that has happened to me, although I wonder how I really would react if my family did plan an intervention...but that is another story for another time.......

No my friends, it is time to become a serious blogger! No more stalking, and not posting myself. But it is a lot easier to look at other people's perfect blogs, and not do my own. Why is it that we become intimidated by other people's blogging ablities, when all this really is, is journaling in our own element. Why is it that we become self concious, and think no one cares about our boring lifes. Yet why do I still get complaints from friends that want me to update, and want to find out what I am doing. I guess people like me, what can I say, I think I am pretty funny...but really am I?

Enough rambling, I am going to blog. I am going let my creative juices flow, and let myself fly, "with the wind beneath my wings", thanks Bette for the advice.

So if you see my blog in total and utter caos, you will know why. I am having an intervention.....a blogging intervention. Are you excited? darn tootin you better be excited, or maybe you should be slightly afraid...but "bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow" there will be blogging!

....and now I will get off the stage....