Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Things

I know what you are all thinking, that I don't like to update my blog, but am proabably a blog stalker. Stalking righto!, but I do actually enjoy updating my blog, but never do. Who would of thought? Anywho here is a little teaser for all of you 51/2 faithful readers, who wonder what is going on in my life. And yes I will be posting new things, and will include pictures this time.

1. I love to Sleep! I am a faithful 9 hour sleeper, almost every night.
2. I get very annoyed when people try to tell me my hair is orange. It is obviously red!
3. I have a secret fear of going on a cruise and the boat sinking like the Titanic did.
4. I love, love, love the movie Flipper!
5. Although I have lived in Utah for almost 6 years now, I still tell people I am from California.
6. I only like snow on Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. After that it needs to go.
7. I wish I would have been able to serve a mission.
8. Anytime I think about going to Africa, my heart leaps with excitment.
9. I enjoy being the life of the party.
10. I love being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and know my life is so good because of it.
11. I desperatly wish I could have a baby.
12. My oldest nephew is only 5 years younger than I am.
13. I could proably eat ice cream all day, every day if I could.
14. I can not image my life without my husband. He truly has completed my life.
15. When I laugh to hard I pee my pants.
16. I can almost completley recite the movie Sandlot word for word.
17. My mom is one of my best friends.
18. I secretly wish I would have been a cheerleader in college.
19. I love going to the zoo, but only happy zoo's.
20. If I were to be any animal I would want to be an Elephant.
21. I laugh really loud, and talk really fast sometimes.
22. My friends from highschool can all tell you, I was crazy, but have since simmered down.
23. I made a music video with my best friend Jana in highschool to I like big butts.
24. If I had a million dollars, I would travel the world and make sure all children are taken care of.
25. I love polka dots! All kinds, in every color.

This was actually quite fun, and I tag everyone to do it!


Kacey said...

Yes I can testify that you were CRaZY back in high school. I loved every second of your craziness though!! Hopefully you haven't simmered down too much my little red headed skank =)

Karen and Mike said...

Awh April, your the best! It was fun hangin out the other night, lets get together more often.

Logan and Heidi said...

uhhh... Are you sure you've simmered down?! j/k I realized that I've never left a comment on your blog so you probably had no idea I check yours often! Anyway, I'm glad your doing great!
P.S. You are definitely still a California girl!

Kricket said...

What a fun post April. I feel like I know you but I even learned more from this post. Thanks for calling the other night. We do need to chat. Also, Scrapbook night is next Thursday at my house so come and invite a friend if you want.